On 09/02/2014 01:50 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> On 02/09/2014 19:37, Achim Gratz wrote:
>> Gerry Reno writes:
>>> I have a script that issues this command:
>>>      run $WINDIR/system32/mstsc.exe  /multimon /v:$IP:3389
>>> And before this script has always succeeded but now it errors as follows:
>>>      Invalid connection file (/v: specified
>>> In a terminal window I can run the command directly and it succeeds:
>>>      $WINDIR/system32/mstsc.exe  /multimon /v:$IP:3389
>>> But 'run' no longer successfully runs the command.
>>> Can someone verify this?
>> Well I can verify that this happens, but I have no idea why.  It seems
>> that mstsc doesn't parse the option as option when  started via run…
>> Regards,
>> Achim.
> I noticed that
>  run "$WINDIR/system32/mstsc.exe  /multimon /v:my_ip:3389"
> produces equivalent output of
>  mstsc.exe  /multimon /v:my_ip:3389
> so eventually run is splitting the arguments in a way that mstsc
> does not like
> Marco

It looks like it's always taking the last argument as a file.

No matter what you put at the end of the line 'run' causes mstsc to think it's 
a file that needs opened.


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