
Friday, 29 November, 2002 Rolf Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: egor duda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:59 AM
>> To: Barry Buchbinder
>> Subject: Re: Cygwin official logo ?
>> BB> How about a penguin looking through a window?
>> It'd be clearly misleading. Cygwin is not Linux for Windows. 
>> We have enough confusion already with people thinking otherwise.

RC> That is true, but Cygwin does make it easier to compile Linux programs
RC> under windows.  (maybe replace "Linux" with "POSIX", but the most
RC> popular POSIX OS in Linux) [maybe replace "popular" with "well known]

And explosives do make it easier to do mining. Does it mean that
miner's emblem should be a dynamite with a burning fuse?

_We_ know that cygwin just makes it easier to port unix programs to
windows. But people who are just curious about "what the heck this cygwin
thingie is?" will see the logo and get the impression that it just
some kind of linux to be run on windows.

Egor.            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ 5165414 FidoNet 2:5020/496.19

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