On 2014-09-13 12:00, Christian Franke wrote:
> Eric Blake wrote:
>> (by passing an actual safe path, and NOT by completely unsetting PATH).
> Disagree. The postfix master(8) spawns all of its daemons with PATH unset. 
> This IMO does not violate POSIX.
> Note that setting PATH=/bin on Cygwin does not fix the security problem in 
> the DLL search order. Even with "SafeDllSearchMode" enabled, the current 
> directory is always checked before PATH. Running some Cygwin program from 
> /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/libexec, ... would load a possible malicious 
> cyg*.dll from current directory regardless of PATH setting. Only programs in 
> /bin are safe.
> Using SetDllDirectory("c:\\cygwin\\bin") somewhere in cygwin1.dll would fix 
> this also.

How could a call inside a DLL fix the library search order used
to find that same DLL? Yes, it is possible (or likely) that
SetDllDirectory fixes the immediate problem for processes that
are started *by* cygwin1.dll, but it is not effective for Cygwin
processes that are started by some direct use of the Win32 API.

Also, SetDllDirectory will kill all attempts to run 32-bit
Cygwin programs from 64-bit Cygwin (and vice versa).


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