When I try to start fish directly from the Windows shell instead of from
bash, I get a boatload of errors, like this:

/usr/share/fish/functions/type.fish (line 14):  if not getopt -T > /dev/null
in function 'type',
        called on standard input,
        with parameter list '-p command-not-found'

in function '__fish_command_not_found_setup',
        called on line 2 of file '/home/andrex/.config/fish/functions/fish_promp
        with parameter list 'cut'

in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_command_not_found'

/usr/share/fish/functions/type.fish (line 26):          if not getopt $options $
argv >/dev/null
in function 'type',
        called on standard input,
        with parameter list '-p command-not-found'

in function '__fish_command_not_found_setup',
        called on line 2 of file '/home/andrex/.config/fish/functions/fish_promp
        with parameter list 'cut'

in event handler: handler for generic event 'fish_command_not_found'

and so on.  The problem seems to be that the PATH isn't set correctly.  PATH
doesn't include /bin or /usr/bin:

andrex@ > echo $PATH
fish: Unknown command '__fish_pwd'
Standard input: echo $_ " "; __fish_pwd
in command substitution
        called on standard input,

/win/c/Program Files/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Microsoft Online Services /wi
n/c/Program Files (x86)/Common Files/Microsoft Shared/Microsoft Online Services
/win/c/Windows/system32 /win/c/Windows /win/c/Windows/System32/Wbem /win/c/Windo

If I edit /etc/fish/config.fish and add:

set PATH /bin /usr/bin $PATH

then fish starts normally.  Should something like this be added to
/etc/fish/config.fish or /usr/share/fish/config.fish?

This matters because if I want to make fish my default shell, I need it to 
start on
its own with a usable PATH set.


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