On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Corinna Vinschen  wrote:
> There's no /share directory in a standard Cygwin installation.  /usr is
> a real dir within your Cygwin installation dir.  It doesn't have to be
> mounted, nor does /usr/share, which is also created by setup-${arch}.exe
> by default.

So straight out of the archive, we have a PREFIX/usr directory which
contains a few other items including a share/ directory.  If you now
start Cygwin the output of /bin/mount will show /usr/bin and /usr/lib
are automounted.  That is not true for /usr/share.  This causes the
terminal interface to be broken because /usr/share/terminfo cannot be
found.  If I then 'mount `cygpath -m /` /usr' the terminal interface
finds /usr/share/terminfo and all is fine and works well.

It is true that I am not using setup-${arch}.exe but that shouldn't
matter as long as I have the dependencies resolved.

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