On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 12:56:03PM -0000, Morrison, John wrote:
>The first is that this script, although best as a postinstall,
>would have be executed _after every install_.
>The other would be to get people to use it ;)
>Well, that's my mental thoughts on paper(?!).  Any comments?
>would it be worth doing?

Here's how _update-info-dir does it:

  sdesc: "Generate info/dir file automatically"
  category: _PostInstallLast
  requires: texinfo ash
  autodep: usr/info/.*
  incver_ifdep: yes

You'd probably want something like:

  sdesc: "Conditionally move default files to proper location"
  category: _PostInstallLast
  requires: ash
  autodep: etc/defaults/.*
  incver_ifdep: yes

This would run automatically whenever packages are downloaded and
installed in one shot.  It wouldn't run if someone downloads everything
and then installs piecemeal, though.

The script to move the files would be the only thing in the package and
it would be a post-install script.


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