On 12/29/2014 9:07 AM, Ilya Dogolazky wrote:
> Hi Ken!
> I followed your advise:
> 1) Reinstalled windows again
> 2) Started setup_x86-64.exe from cygwin web site
> 3) Changed two things in the package list:
>   a) Changed version of package cygwin to
>   b) Marked package "ssh" to be installed
> 4) After installation started terminal (icon right click -> run as admin)
> 5) Typed "ssh-host-config -y"
> 6) Copied the output and attached to this e-mail
> The same problem as before:
>    System error 1376 has occurred.
>    The specified local group does not exist.
>    Adding user 'cyg_server' to local group 'root' failed!
> :-(
> By the way, very first message is quite funny: "it seems your account does 
> not 
> have these privileges". According to windows UI my account (the only one on 
> this 
> fresh installed machine) is an administrative one.

> $ ssh-host-config -y
> *** Warning: Running this script typically requires administrator privileges!
> *** Warning: However, it seems your account does not have these privileges.
> *** Warning: Here's the list of groups in your user token:
>     None
>     root
>     Users

This output comes from the following code, starting at line 619:

# Make sure the user is running in an administrative context
admin=$(/usr/bin/id -G | /usr/bin/grep -Eq '\<544\>' && echo yes || echo no)
if [ "${admin}" != "yes" ]
  csih_warning "Running this script typically requires administrator 
  csih_warning "However, it seems your account does not have these privileges."
  csih_warning "Here's the list of groups in your user token:"
  for i in $(/usr/bin/id -G)
    /usr/bin/awk -F: "/[^:]*:[^:]*:$i:/{ print \"    \" \$1; }" /etc/group

If you were really running in an elevated shell, I don't know why 544 didn't 
show up in the output of "id -G".


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