Hi Larry,

Thanks for your suggestion. The problem still exists if I shut down my
anti-virus software. The other point is hard to demonstrate, but say
just trust me on this that virus is not very likely.

I tested it on two Win 8.1 + one Win 7 machines: I cannot create a
file named "libkbdsg.a" in TotalCommander or cmd.exe (by entering
"type NUL > libkbdsg.a"), but can do it using Windows File Explorer. I
can create files named similarly (e.g., libkbdsf.a) using either
method. I know some file names are special (e.g., CON, PRN) and cannot
be used, but "libkbdsg.a" doesn't seem to be one of them.

Cygwin installer can install w32api-runtime on the Win7 and one of the
Win 8.1 machines, but it failed to install this file on my newest Win



On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Larry Hall (Cygwin)
<reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com> wrote:
> On 01/08/2015 08:17 PM, rocwhite168 wrote:
>> Hi Cygwin users,
>> I've been trying to install the w32api-runtime package (required by
>> gcc-core) for my 64-bit Cygwin installed under Windows 8.1, but the
>> installer always gives an error "Unable to extract
>> /usr/lib/w32api/libkbdsg.a. This file is in use or some other error
>> occurred. Please stop all Cygwin processes and select "Retry", or
>> select "Continue" to go anyway (you will need to reboot)." Note that
>> the mentioned file does not exist yet in that location. I have
>> successfully installed w32api-runtime on a different Windows 8.1
>> machine though. The only noteworthy difference may be that this time
>> I've enabled compression on the cygwin64 root directory.
>> Even weirder, it seems that I'm not able to create a file named
>> "libkbdsg.a" anywhere on BOTH Windows 8.1 machines. Renaming an
>> existing file to this name has no problem. However, the installer
>> seems to delete the file first instead of overwriting it, so manually
>> creating such named file doesn't help.
>> Have any one encountered similar problems? Any help would be greatly
>> appreciated.
> If you're having a problem creating any file inside or outside of Cygwin
> tools, that suggests a virus/anti-virus tie-in.  I'd recommend looking
> into this.
> --
> Larry
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