On 06/02/15 05:07, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Hi folks,

A new version of Setup, release 2.867, has been uploaded to

   https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe     (32 bit version)
   https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe  (64 bit version)

The changes compared to 2.864 are mostly not visible:

- There's one fix to the output when mistyping a command line option.

- More importantly, Setup now understands SHA512 checksums additionally
   to MD5 checksums.  We're going to switch to using SHA512 checksums in
   the setup.ini files in a couple of weeks and this requires all of you
   to use the newer Setup version.

Please send bug reports, as usual, to the public mailing list
cygwin AT cygwin DOT com.

Have fun,

I was just wondering, will you be dropping the md5.sum files from the package directories at the same time? I'd be happy to see them disappear from the mirrors - they're an internal thing, right? Just this week I noticed that cygwin64-gcc-4.8.3-4-src.tar.xz's md5 checksum in its md5.sum file was incorrect (but its md5 in setup.ini was of course correct).

Though I'm probably the only person on the planet who cares. :-) It's just an idle question.



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