2015-02-25 13:51 GMT+01:00 Corinna Vinschen:
> Another important change in this release is a change to chmod.  As many
> of you experienced since Cygwin 1.7.34, chmod does not always affect the
> POSIX permission mask as returned by stat(2) or printed by ls(1), due to
> the improved POSIX ACL handling.  As a temporary workaround, chmod now
> checks if secondary groups and users in the ACL have more permissions
> than the primary group.  If so, the permissions of the secondary users
> and groups will be reduced according to the mask given by the new
> primary group permissions.  I.e, chmod 600 will remove all permissions
> from the primary group as well as all secondary user and group entries
> in the ACL.

I have problems running screen on my pc. When I start it, it complains
about the mode of the temporary directory.
"Directory /tmp/uscreens/S-Frank must have mode 700."

With 1.7.35-0.3 I could not chmod the directory manually. I just
upgraded to 1.7.35-0.4 and now I can manually chmod the directory to
700 and start screen again.

But IFAIK previously (not sure when) screen was able to chmod the
directory itself, but now not anymore.


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