On Feb 27 06:52, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > Having discussed this, I can understand that it may be desirable to
> > skip the permissions of the SYSTEM account in these circumstances:
> >
> > - Computing the POSIX ACL mask and default mask value and thus in
> >   the permission mask as printed by `ls -l'.
> >
> > - Changing SYSTEM permissions when calling chmod, unless SYSTEM is the
> >   file's owning group.
> >
> > Changing this in the code is pretty straightforward. but I'm not willing
> > to add another mount option for this behaviour.  Either Cygwin ignores
> > SYSTEM in the aforementioned circumstances or it doesn't.
> >
> > Crucial vote starting... now.
> Given these constraints, I don't think we should treat SYSTEM special
> (if we'd start doing that there'd be other cases that could or should be
> treated special, maybe depending on further conditions).

This is what concerns me most.  If we start special-casing SYSTEM,
what next?  Administrators?  Domain Admins?  Where does it stop
and where does it stop making sense to special-case?

> Mounting with
> posix/acl then makes Cygwin try to conform to POSIX semantics as much as
> possible and potentially strip off ACL permissions when using chmod.
> You will need to keep mounting with noacl to avoid that.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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