> From: Jon TURNEY 
> If this is easy for you to reproduce, could you show me the logfile
> produced on reproduction, after starting XWin with the '-logverbose 3'
> option?

Thanks for getting back to me.  I was unable to reproduce the issue this 
morning, with or without the "-logverbose 3" setting.  I'll leave the verbose 
setting in place for a while and see if I am able to reproduce.

After I sent the report last night, I put my laptop in hibernate mode.  When I 
powered the computer on this morning and resumed operation (about 8 hours after 
I put it in hibernate mode), the Exit dialog box appeared warning me that 
exiting Xwin would close my connections.  I went ahead and clicked "Exit" and 
XWin exited successfully.

> It might be worthwhile to check that are stopping the X server you think
> you are, if you accidentally have multiple X servers running, some of
> which have been hidden in the notification area?

Prior to sending my report, I had checked the running processes with 
Microsoft's "Process Explorer" tool, and saw only one instance of "XWin.exe" 

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