/ "Max Bowsher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Schonder, Matthias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How do I have to set passwd (if it is done there) that he only can
>> connect to the server via sftp and not via ssh.
>> What do I have to do?
| Setting a user's shell to /bin/false might (and I repeat, *might* - this is
| speculation) work.

Nope not for sftp, the problem is that sftp uses the users shell to
navigate and fetch files. (it logs in using ssh)

So what you have to do is to give the user a shell that has enough
rights to do what scp needs, check files, read them and so on, but not
allowed to fire up applications and so on. Think I have seen it
mentioned, maybe in the neighbourhood of sftp development.. 


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