Hello list.
Im having some trouble getting gcc working.  I am trying to compile the
CVS for coldsync but it doesn't work.  I have done the same procedures
on my BSD 4.7 box and all works fine.
I have :- 
Windows XP Pro.
Cygwin 1.3.15-2
Gcc 3.2-3
And others..
In my cvs directory I run :- 
And I get : -
Configure : error : installation or configuration problem : c compiler
cannot create executables.
I did google but I could not find any real answers.
Any ideas.

Im attaching the output of cygcheck -c and config.log. 

Ryan Budge
Mobile : +27 83 415 7926
Fax : +27 8 83 415 7926

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

Attachment: config.log
Description: Binary data

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