On 12/04/15 11:03, Marco Atzeri wrote:
Removing the cygwin specific usage of
  cygwin_conv_to_posix_path / cygwin_conv_path
did the work. Make check passed on 64bit, and make doc fails
on a corner case, most of the HTML documentation was built.

OK, so I couldn't resist a little play :-)

Seemed to work well with all the '.ly' files I threw at it. I generated PDF, PNG and MIDI files successfully. I tried a few files from a web site with lots of freely available lilypond files, and a couple of files gave warnings. If you try:

wget http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/PaganiniN/O1/Caprice_23/Caprice_23.ly
    lilypond --formats=pdf,png Caprice_23.ly

Then you see repeated instances of the following warnings:

warning: no PostScript font name for font `/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/ncenR24.pcf.gz'
    warning: FreeType face has no PostScript font name

    programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -inf staff space
    Setting to zero.
    continuing, cross fingers

I didn't have time to cross my fingers, but the resulting output files all looked fine ;-)

I ran the same test using the stock 'lilypond' package in Fedora 21 (the version of lilypond is the same), and the warnings weren't generated. The first warning is a little baffling, as lilypond knows where the PostScript fonts are (the path is specified as a ./configure option). It's worth saying that most of the files I tried worked fine without generating warnings.

BTW, I assume you're aware that the 'lilypond-doc' package is missing most of its content, and that this will be fully populated when the 'corner case' you mentioned is ironed out.

The 32 bit builds but does not works. I suspect there is an additional
problem with the underlying dependencies, or we are triggering an
existing problem not visible on Linux platform.

Have you tried the old version of lilypond we have in x86 at the moment? I couldn't get it to work at all. Every '.ly' file I passed to it (even simple ones) caused a segmentation fault. So your suspicion about one of the dependencies looks well founded.


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