On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 04:06:34PM +0100, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
>>>>>> "Marco" == Marco Antonio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Marco> Hi all,
>    Marco> I've been trying to find a free lpd for windows, and noticed that lprng 
>was ported to cygwin. But in cygwin setup I can't find the lprng package. I found a 
>link in cygwin site to download the port, but everytime I try to access the page I 
>get an 'connection failed'. Is the port deprecated? Any help? Btw, the link that I 
>tried is the following:
>    Marco> http://ics-server.interface-net.com/~lbakken/lprng-cygwin.html
>Hi Marco
>I'm still using the lpd port on my machine and it's working perfect. If you want
>I can send you the binaries offlist.
>I can also try to find the patches to the lprng source. 
>    Marco> Thanks in advance.

Anyone want to maintain this as a standard cygwin package?


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