On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 10:19:30AM -0800, Shankar Unni wrote:
>Stephen Powell wrote:
>>Try it without the /b, just "exit 1".
>Notice that she said she tried it, it works, but is not an option for 
>her because they need to be invoked from DOS command shells as well, and 
>she doesn't want the bat files to cause those shells to exit.

Angela is a former valued colleague of mine from Cygnus and Red Hat
days, so I offered some suggestions in private email.

It looks like if she changes the invocation of her .bat files from just
"foo.bat" to "cmd /c call foo.bat" then an "exit /b" in foo.bat will
work correctly.

I'm contemplating making a change to cygwin to cause this to be the


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