Keith Christian writes:
> Still seeing the following errors on stderr while running various
> commands and scripts.
> Usually these errors do not seem to impact anything, but occasionally
> they do, such as when data fails to be written to files created during
> script runs.
>       0 [main] -bash 8296 fork: child -1 - forked process 6560 died
> unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000005, errno 11
>       0 [main] mandb 7060 fork: child -1 - forked process 6560 died
> unexpectedly, retry 0, exit code 0xC0000005, errno 11
> mandb: fork failed: Resource temporarily unavailable

It's odd that the process number it tries to fork to would be the same in
both cases.  Are these verbatim pasted or did you edit the messages?

In any case, the error is the Windows equivalent of a SEGV, so
something's seriously gone wrong with the memory map in the forked
process (BLODA?).  The Windows event log might have some more

> Anyone else seeing these?

It seems you are the second person to report such errors.  Since the
first reporter didn't follow up, we don't know if his problems have gone
away and what the reason might have been.  One suggestion was to reduce
the number of entries in $PATH to just the minimum (or set
CYGWIN_NOWINPATH before starting Cygwin if you use bash).

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