On 5/18/2015 1:57 AM, Martin Anantharaman wrote:

so that we do not get side-tracke by differences in our emacs-customizations
I now re-produced the error in a "clean" environment, i.e. I unset
ALTERNATE_EDITOR and did the following:

Did you also make sure that EMACS_SERVER_FILE was not set?

$ emacs --daemon -Q
Starting Emacs daemon.

$ emacsclient .shrc
Waiting for Emacs...
*ERROR*: Could not open file: /dev/cons1

So this time emacsclient did not complain that it couldn't find the socket. But why is it trying to open /dev/cons1? Are you running these commands in a Windows console rather than a Cygwin Terminal (mintty)? If so, please try it in a Cygwin Terminal.

$ emacsclient .shrc
Waiting for Emacs...

(emacsclient returns immediately, task-manager shows there is no more
emacs-w32 process and there is a new stackdump in the working directory)

$ cat emacs-w32.exe.stackdump
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
017075E4  61033210 (00000558, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 01707654)
01707714  610EF12F (00000012, 00000000, 0170776C, 6110E4AF)

To get some more insight I tried to do the same on another machine running
Arch Linux (though with emacs 24.3 under LXDE) and guess what: At any number
of calls to emacsclient as above a (emacs-)window is opened in the TERMINAL
from which I run emacsclient (though a new desktop-window is opened when
emacsclient is called with the -c option) - which is not working in my
Cygwin/Windows combination giving the error "*ERROR*: Could not open file:
/dev/cons1" and crashing emacs on the next c.

So what happends when you call emacs and then emacsclient in the same order
as shown?

I get the Linux behavior that you just described.

Regarding the 2. problem (crash on About Emacs) it happens exactly the same
way when I call emacs with emacs -Q and immediately open About Emacs. I will
get the debuginfo and try to see where/why it is crashing when I have a
little spare time - I was just hoping that the stackdump I had attached
before might actually allow you to localize the error.

The two addresses shown in the stackdump (in the "Function" column) are both in cygwin1.dll.

$ addr2line -e /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg 61033210

$ addr2line -e /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/cygwin1.dbg 610EF12F

This doesn't tell us anything about what was happening in emacs.


P.S. Please *reply* to my message rather than starting a new message each time, so that you preserve the threading in the archives.

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