On 04/06/2015 14:09, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
From: Marco Atzeri
It looks a man-db issue, it misinterprets the ' at the begin
of the phrase.

Adding a single space before works fine.

Perhaps preferred would be to highlight the name with .B:

$ diff -u before after
--- before      2015-06-04 08:37:08.693623000 -0400
+++ after       2015-06-04 08:47:17.078420500 -0400
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
           const struct tm *restrict TIMP);

-'strftime' converts a 'struct tm' representation of the time (at TIMP)
+.B strftime
+converts a 'struct tm' representation of the time (at TIMP)
  into a null-terminated string, starting at S and occupying no more than
  MAXSIZE characters.

It might well be that starting a line with ' is not valid troff markup.

Thanks for the patch.

Unfortunately, the manpages in cygwin-doc are automatically generated from the newlib .info pages by a perl script (See newlibinfo2man.pl in [1])

I'm not sure if these man pages are much use now that we have man-pages-posix

[1] https://github.com/jon-turney/cygwin/commit/f957adfea38022bd3ab076ca77871b53be0ef654

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