On 01.07.2015 12:47, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jun 27 17:59, Thomas Wolff wrote:
I think it's sufficient for this project to have one of issue tracker or
mailing list/forum, not both. And an issue tracker has the valuable
advantage that you can close issues...
Mailing lists allow discussing stuff before formally requesting
something via issue tracker.  E.g, user problems can be both, a user
just having a thinko or a bug.  ML discussions help to find out and
avoid spurious issues in the issue tracker.  Also, many people happily
report bugs on mailing lists but don't want to be bothered with
issue trackers which you have to login to.
Sure. My assumption was that cygwin@cygwin.com would be a good place for occasional questions of that kind. Also I had somewhat associated the google groups list with the closing google code area but that's probably not proper. If you prefer to divert traffic off this list, I'll reconsider. Also, if people start discussions on the old list, I can still mention it on the homepage.

I have a package now to publish but need to find a timeslot to fiddle with the lftp upload...

(wondering why my responses get lost if sent from one of my machines...)

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