On 7/9/2015 4:33 PM, Kertz, Denis (D)** CTR ** wrote:
Andrey Repin wrote:

Greetings, Marco Atzeri!

Currently I am using connect-proxy on WinXP (32 bit).  I would like to use
connect-proxy on a Win7 PC but there is no 64-bit version.  Is there an
alternative to connect-proxy for 64-bit, or would I need to revert to the
32-bit cygwin just to get this connect-proxy?


I assume Denis was talking about:

connect-proxy      32 bit    ORPHANED (Kostya Altukhov)

I assumed he was looking for a proxy server.
3proxy offers everything proxy you could possibly imagine.
HTTP including CONNECT, FTP, SOCKS4 and 5, POP3 proxy.

My terminology may be confusing but I'm looking for a 64-bit alternative for 
the 32-bit
connect-proxy.  I didn't see anything that looked like an alternative under 


Hi Denis,
No problem, the request was clear.

The package is very simple, I already built a 64bit version of 1.104 version.
Give me some time for polishing the package I will release it


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