On 30/07/2015 15:39, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 30/07/2015 00:16, Michael Enright wrote:
1) Why is it not the case that gdb handles this SEGV in the usual
manner? It too just allows the stackdump to be made and lets me know
that the inferior has run its course.

This shouldn't happen.  Are you sure the crashing process is the direct
inferior of gdb, and not some wrapper process which runs it?
(uninstalled libtool generated binaries do this, for e.g.)

Oh, I just remembered something :)

I think you need to use the gdb command 'set cygwin-exceptions on' to tell gdb to break on exceptions inside the cygwin DLL (by default they are ignored, as they may be generated during normal operation when checking a pointer is valid)

I shall have to see if I can find a place for these last couple of answers in the FAQ or documentation somewhere. It's rather too obscure at the moment.

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