On a new 64-bit Cygwin install, no /etc/ssh* files or dirs exist, I
copied over id_dsa and id_dsa.pub into my ~/.ssh, nothing else, and
got the directory and file permissions right.

Kept running into this failure connecting:
debug1: Skipping ssh-dss key /MYPATH/.ssh/id_dsa for not in

I noticed that PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes is new.  Apparently the client
didn't let me login because id_dsa keys weren't acceptable to Cygwin
ssh client.

To fix it, I had to create a ~/.ssh/config file and I placed into it a
setting to explicitly permit id_dsa style keys (by adding ssh-dss* at
the end):

Host *
    PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes OTHERTHINGS,ssh-dss*

Without this ~/.ssh/config permitting id_dsa style keys.  In general,
to find what kinds of things you can add to PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes in
your config file, run:

    ssh -Q key

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