A few days ago, I ran Setup to update my currently installed package, including 
my git packages.  Since then, whenever I run git gui, I get the following error:

$ git gui
assertion "font != NULL" failed: file 
 line 453, function: FcFontRenderPrepare
error: git-gui died of signal 6

cygcheck and xwin logs attached

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

Attachment: XWin.0.log
Description: XWin.0.log

Attachment: XWin.0.log.old
Description: XWin.0.log.old

Attachment: XWin.1.log
Description: XWin.1.log

Attachment: XWin.1.log.old
Description: XWin.1.log.old

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