On Oct 21, 2015, at 4:03 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> The FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT flag is set but when calling a function
> to fetch the reparse data it's no reparse point anymore?  How dumb is
> that?
> I can't reproduce this bug with my Samba drives, but it's not actually a
> bug in Cygwin from my perspective.
> Yeah, that observation doesn't really help, so I applied a potential
> workaround to Cygwin.

How could we prove that the problem is the Apple SMB server?

I mean, I know how to snag a stream of SMB packets with Wireshark, but I don’t 
know what I’d be looking for in the dump.

Keep in mind that Windows Explorer seems to cope with this situation, so 
Explorer may be doing something like in your patch.

> If you're set up to build your own Cygwin, please give it a try.

Yes, that fixes the symptom here.

Thanks for chasing this down.
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