On 12/28/2015 2:12 PM, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

>   I'm considering using Cygwin as a build system for android.  I'm
> totally new at this.  What would I need that Cygwin itself does not
> provide?  I know I need an Android SDK and an Android NDK (I have to
> build/link C/C++ with Java too).  I assume that I will need Oracle
> Java.
>   Is this doable?  I'm trying to build android on Mac and Linux as
> preferable alternates.

Nvidia's TADP used to ship Cygwin (and mess up an existing Cygwin
installation) to use some basic Unix commands, and the shell.

I think they stopped installing and using Cygwin.  Probably they just
ship the commands, and maybe a shell, ported to native Windows.

The main part of that Android development environment is Eclipse
customized with SDK, NDK, and a few other things.

That answers the "is doable?" question.  With or without Cygwin its
doable, its just the user's preference (a little bit Unix-like, or
not... anyway you'll configure Eclipse one way or another).
René Berber

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