On Jan 13 12:48, random user wrote:
> >> It's a bit late now to change how Cygwin constructs and evaluates ACLs.
> Sorry, with the holidays and other issues it wasn't possible for me to
> look at the test drops earlier.

We're testing this Cygwin change for four(!) months now.  I release
the first one on Sep 2nd.  It's a bit late now just to support some
border case within 48 hours before the release.  Also consider that
NFSv4 uses yet another way to create POSIX-like ACLs which apparently
doesn't match the NTFS-3G layout either.  It's not so much the layout
of the ACL which decides, it's that every implementation can work
with the ones created by other implementations.  There's that weird
problem with the dir recognized as socket, but that's something I'll
look into at one point.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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