On Apr 13, 2016, at 9:25 AM, Andrey Repin <anrdae...@yandex.ru> wrote:
>> On Apr 12, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Eliot Moss <m...@cs.umass.edu> wrote:
>>> It will be interesting to see how they map identities and permissions!
>> They don’t map identities at all, a fact that is clear from this 
>> presentation:
> In other words, this is a useless bullshit?

Cygwin didn’t have AD/SAM integration until about a year ago.  So, Cygwin was 
useless until last year, too?

Ubuntu for Windows is as useful today as pre-Cygwin 1.7.34 with a nearly empty 
/etc/passwd file, containing only the user’s POSIX UID to Windows SID mapping.  
Which is to say, not useless at all.

The fact that it has limitations merely means it isn’t going to wipe Cygwin off 
the map immediately.  When/if Microsoft fixes all the limitations w.r.t. 
Cygwin, Cygwin is in deep yogurt.

> No SSHD, no cron, no… nothing?

sshd is currently broken because they have no pty layer to speak of.  Anything 
else that depends heavily on ptys is broken for the same reason, such as tmux.

As for cron, I see no reason why that wouldn’t work, at least for a single 
user.  If you mean that you don’t get a system-wide cron service, so you can 
schedule jobs to run as SYSTEM or similar, then yes, I wouldn’t expect that to 
work any time soon, if ever.

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