On 10/05/2016 13:03, fer...@bonhard.uklinux.net wrote:
The latest setup.ini refers to new updates under release/iso-codes
but the files and the entire subdirectory including [o\prev] files
is missing on at least 3 mirrors that I tried.Fergus

 They're in noarch/release now.

Thank you.
Must have missed this: but I've just looked at another mirror and it looks
as though noarch/ is either superseding or mimicking x86/ as the home
location for release/. Will setup.ini move from x86/ to noarch/ ?
Interesting and important for those of us who maintain local [unofficial]
Oh yes: why the change?

x86 and x86_64 are sharing ~ 30% of package that are not
processor dependent.
Plus all the source packages.

The target is to relief the mirrors and disks
of the duplications.
It will take some time to arrive there.


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