On 5/11/16 8:18 AM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
On 2016-05-11 09:35, Mike Bonnet wrote:
I'm seeing segfaults with this version when recursively scanning large
directories. Running Cygwin x86_64 on Windows Server 2012.

But not with 0.99?  Have you been able to reproduce this on any other

Only saw it with 0.99.1. Yes, saw it on several systems, all running 0.99.1.

In the past


This was several years ago.

this happened when some 32-bit files were in the source tree
when the 64-bit version was built. It's possible this happened again.

Extremely unlikely.  cygport makes 32-bit and 64-bit builds in their own

Any chance we could get a new 64-bit build?

We'd need to find the real cause of this before it would be of any help.
 I'd start with updating to 0.99.2, however we borrow Fedora's -norar
sources but they haven't bumped yet (#1333949).

I'll retry with 0.99.2 when it's available.

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