On May 16, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Benjamin Cao <be...@progress.com> wrote:
> I am curious to know if there is a command that will display a symbol table 
> for *.obj files. It seems as if commands such as "nm" or "objdump" do not do 
> this. I get "File format not recognized”.

nm *is* the right tool, but only for file types it knows about.

You should only expect a platform’s native nm to support the native executable 
types of the platform it runs on.  In the case of Cygwin, that’s various 
flavors of COFF and PE.  OMF is an entirely different format.

Cygwin’s nm happens to also support ELF for some reason, but that is yet a 
third object format.

Assuming libbfd knows OMF, you could rebuild your own OMF cross-development 
toolchain.  Then *its* nm would be the right tool for the job.

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