On 5/27/2016 3:58 PM, b...@theworld.com wrote:
As I said the slowdown was intermittant, Rapport had been running at
least a week or so before the slowdown started which didn't affect for
example cmd or power shell only cygwin that I noticed.

But when I stopped Rapport the slowdown (15+ second process
activation) disappeared instantly.

Needs more investigation but maybe this will help someone else, if I
can save just one child...

I understand and I am not disagreeing with your observations, but in my case, and I failed to mention that I have had Rapport installed for years now, I have not experienced that behavior as you have. Though, I am planning on putting the configuration file of my script back next week to see if that was what caused the behavior on my system. I will try killing Rapport and see if that affects the situation now that you have mentioned it.


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