On Jul 1, 2016, at 1:35 PM, Warren Young wrote:
> To clone an existing install using setup.exe:
>  $ /path/to/setup-x86_64 -R 'c:\cygwin-clone' -q -L \
>    -P $(tail -n+2 installed.db | cut -f1 -d' ' | tr '\n' ,)


> ...you can prune the long list produced by that $() construct way down

I’ve written a script to do that automatically.  (Attached.)

It takes the raw list parsed from installed.db using the scheme above and a 
copy of the setup.ini file downloaded by setup.exe and removes all “non-root” 
packages, being those that will be installed indirectly by some other package 
on that list.

It cut my largest local Cygwin installation’s package list down to about a 
fifth the size spewed out by the command above.


Attachment: find-cyg-roots
Description: Binary data

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