On Jul 14, 2016, at 9:24 AM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> If you look at such a file name in Explorer, Cygwin (?) seems to be mapping 
> double-quotes to U+F022, which is currently not defined within Unicode:
>  http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/f022/

I think this may be a typo in whatever code is doing the translation, because 
U+FF02 is a typographically distinct variation of the double-quote character:


That would give the visual appearance of double-quotes in file names in 
Explorer without violating the restriction on 0x22 characters in NTFS.

In fact, it might be a thinko rather than a typo: 0x22 -> 0xF022.  It looks 
like someone thought they could just add 0xF000 to the character value, when 
the correct value os 0xFF02.

…And this is why we need man7/{ascii,latin-1,unicode}.7 files in Cygwin. :)

(In the SHTDI spirit, I’m looking into some sort of automated way to generate 
such files from the miscfiles originals.)
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