On 22/07/2016 05:23, Dr. Rob Higgins wrote:
I cannot find, after two days, any documentation on how and where to
specify resolution parameters. I must be barking up the wrong trees.

My laptop under Windows has recommended resolution set at 3200 x 1800

CygwinX X Windows are much to small, and barely readable.

I guess this means that e.g. xterm font is too small, and so a 80x24 character window is small?

Can anyone just tell me where to look, or what to specify?

To answer the specific question, you can specify the a display resolution using the '-dpi' option.

The "configuration" chapter of the user guide [1] points to "man XWin" [2], which in turn points to "man Xserver" [3] for general server options, including that one.

[1] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/cygwin-x-ug.html
[2] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/man1/XWin.1.html
[3] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/man1/Xserver.1.html

If changing that helps, I'd be very interested to know what the autodetected value for dpi is, which is reported in /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log

Jon Turney
Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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