On 01/08/2016 23:16, Brian Kuhn wrote:

Thanks for the response. Same result with 'emacs -Q' as well, i'm afraid.

Then maybe an strace will help.  Please give the following command:

  strace -o strace.out /usr/bin/emacs-nox.exe -Q

This is interseting.

$ strace -o strace.out /usr/bin/emacs-nox.exe -Q
Segmentation fault

Then look at the output file strace.out to see if it provides a clue as to
what's going wrong.  If you don't see anything, compress the file and send
it to me as an attachment off list.

I could send that, but it would just be a zero-byte file.   :-)

$ ls -l | grep strace.out
-rwxr-xr-x 1 MEEEEE Domain Users 0 Aug  1 15:43 strace.out


I saw before this. It is an antivirus.
The seg fault is coming from strace as the AV is blocking the
loading of dll's of emacs.

Try disabling it.


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