> On Aug 9, 2016, at 3:41 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> On Aug 9, 2016, at 2:07 AM, Herbert Stocker <her...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> On 8/9/2016 2:45 AM, Michel LaBarre wrote:
>>> It could very well be that, as one response to me on this thread
>>> alluded, CYGWIN's role is to provide the equivalent of an isolated
>>> POSIX VM under Windows without the VM.
>> ...CYGWIN is *not* an isolated POSIX environment. It brings
>> POSIX to the OS named "Windows”…
> In addition to Herbert’s points, I also want to point out that bidirectional 
> Windows interoperability is a key differentiator for Cygwin vs. “Bash on 
> Windows,” a.k.a. WSL:
>  https://msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/wsl/
> I’ve seen several of these isolationist moves over the years I’ve been using 
> Cygwin, and I think they are essentially harmful to Cygwin.  The more you 
> promote Cygwin as being its own little world, the easier it is to replace it 
> with something that truly is isolated: WSL, a Linux VM, or even a Mac.
> (If you’re wondering why Macs belong on that list, consider that if you’ve 
> been using Cygwin on Windows because you don’t find the Linux desktop 
> compelling, when it comes time to buy your next desktop, why not choose a 
> first-class desktop computing platform where the Unix command line is not an 
> afterthought, kept isolated as much as possible?)
> I do not mean, by this comment, to endorse this idea of implementing PATHEXT 
> in Cygwin.  In fact, I’ve made profitable use of the current situation by 
> creating foo.bat and a shell script called foo, which gives me a single 
> command that does the same task under cmd.exe and Cygwin’s shell, using 
> mechanisms native to each.  I would not particularly want that ability to 
> disappear.
> This is not a simple question of “should Cygwin integrate with Windows?”  
> Your change implies a broad impact which should be carefully considered.
> It sounds like you just want Cygwin to work like MKS, Michael, which isn’t 
> going to happen.  Cygwin has ~20 years of independent development, all of 
> which were in parallel with MKS.  If the developers of Cygwin had wanted to 
> clone MKS, they would have done so long before now.

I have a Mac. I have to run a Windows VM on it due to work software 
requirements. (Among other things, there’s still not a really good SSMS 
replacement.) Cygwin is still the first thing I install on a VM.

AFAIC, Cygwin is the perfect blend. I can run Cygwin programs in bash, or I can 
run Cygwin programs in my Windows command shell choice. That isn’t true of WSL, 
a Linux VM, or my terminal shell in OSX.
And, as I said earlier in this thread, in a dozen years of using Cygwin, I’ve 
never once missed not having PATHEXT in bash. _In bash_, I think PATHEXT would 
cause far (FAR) more harm than good.
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