Corinna Vinschen writes:

> On Sep  1 14:39, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>> This is not new, I don't think, but I thought I'd check if it's a known
>> problem.
>> Running Cygwin 2.5.2 on Windows 10 (which just forced the Anniversary
>> update on me, various minor irritations to be overcome),
> Be glad, be *really* glad, you don't run W10 Enterprise and use a
> WSUS server for updates...


>> I see the
>> following:
>>    > cygcheck python27.dll
>>   Found: C:\WINDOWS\system32\python27.dll
>>   ...     
>>   cygcheck: track_down: could not find MSVCR90.dll
>> But not surprisingly /c/Python27/python runs just fine, and both strace
>> and depends [1] report that the MSVCR90 dependency is satisfied from
>> C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.9247_none_08e394a1a83e212f\msvcr90.dll
>> Just a minor irritation, but I'm curious if there's an underlying
>> reason, or it's a bug.
> There's a reason and it's that WinSxS stuff.  It works with invisible
> redirections so the path itself is not in the usual DLL search path.
> We could add the WinSXS dir and all subdirs, but is it worth it?

Hmm, maybe on request (i.e. another flag) -- given that there may be
multiple subdirectories of WinSxS, knowing which one is getting used can
be of real value in tricky situations...

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail:
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]

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