On 2016-09-08 06:59, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
Just in case anyone's collecting change requests
against Setup.exe, here's a simple one that I'd
like to see:

All screens until the final screen display a "Next>"
button. Typically, after launching, I just click
this button until I get to the list of packages to
review, but this screen also has a "Next>" button.
Clicking it installs the packages.

My request is for the button on this screen to be
changed to "Install", to better convey to the user
that we are have completed the question-answer
screens and are at the final screen before the
actual installation.

I would request just a little more for the Install view:
after making selections and clicking Next button,
change to Pending view with all selected packages displayed.

Could this also show required new or upgraded dependent packages?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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