On 12/10/2016 10:36, Andrey ``Bass'' Shcheglov wrote:

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Hi All,

I have a Java application which uses ANSI escape sequences to display
colours, position the cursor, etc.

It works fine under regular Unices, and also under |xterm| and |mintty|
(in Cygwin//), but I'm having trouble running it under the "|cygwin"|
terminal (i. e. |bash| launched from |cmd.exe|).

cmd is not a Cygwin terminal, it is a limited Windows one.
What is the problem to use mintty ?

As you can see from the screen shot
(https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ohg41.png), escape sequences are output "as
is", without processing. On the other hand, I can easily run smth like
|echo -e '\033[1;31mTest'| -- and colour text will be just there.

At the same time, if I launch exactly the same application from a
Midnight Commander// <https://www.midnight-commander.org/> subshell,
escape sequences produced by the application will be interpreted
correctly: https://i.stack.imgur.com/jV7UW.png

Also, if I log in to my Windows box using SSH (i. e. replace the local
connection with the remote one, but retain the same |"cygwin|"
terminal), again, escape sequences are processed just fine.

from Unix ? The terminal on that side is able to properly manage
escape sequence

It looks like when a subshell of some kind is created (|mc| or |ssh|),
the terminal is put into some other mode. But playing with |stty| wasn't
helpful, nor was export'ing |TERM=ansi|.

Could anyone please suggest any solution?

use mintty.
It is the recommended one for cygwin

I'm running

CYGWIN_NT-6.3 UNIT-725 2.5.1(0.297/5/3) 2016-04-21 22:14 x86_64 Cygwin
and Windows 8.1.

Thank you in advance.



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