On 2016-10-29 00:13, L. A. Walsh wrote:
Evgeny Grin wrote:
Do you mean, that Windows itself is a problem?
Or version 10 of Windows is a problem? Anyway, all Windows users will
use Windows 10 (or successors) sooner or later.
So it's only the beginning of the story.
    You haven't been keeping in touch w/linux lately.
It's really that all users will use "systemd" -- oh... wait,
that's a reimplementation of the windows "services" daemon.  So,
you might be right... ;-)

Contrarily W10 or Anniversary Update started splitting services out of their 
service hosts.
It's like providing utility services instead of using busybox or 

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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