On 2016-10-29 17:51, Chris Johnson wrote:
I added a bad url to the mirrors list in setup that lets you chose or
add a mirror. It's a bad mirror and I want to remove it. It might
be my inability to phrase it properly  but I'm unable to find how
to do this in the User manual, the FAQ, the archives or the web.

Just not selecting that mirror will avoid ut, unless the content messes up 

I'm running Win 7 and cygwin_setupx86_64.exe calling itself version
2.876 for some reason.

Setup has its own version.

Is there a file I can edit or rename/move or replace the will allow
me to remove this  bad url from the setup mirror list? The only info
I've found about this is a file called list-mirror but I can't find
it anywhere.

${VISUAL:-$EDITOR} /etc/setup/setup.rc

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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