On Mon, 12/12/16, Achim Gratz  wrote:

 Subject: Re: Setup not asking for proxy user,password / was Resend: 
pdfseparate does nothing for me?
 To: cygwin@cygwin.com
 Date: Monday, December 12, 2016, 1:40 PM
 Ian Lambert via cygwin
 > Maybe a comparison of how wget
 > authentication versus how
 setup handles it
 > could help?
 The problem is on your side
 and I cannot reproduce it.  So that analysis
 (which I've asked for earlier) either comes
 from you or you'll have to
 wait until
 someone else can reproduce it.  In any case, I've
 that setup.exe does ask for the
 user/password if it gets the required
 error response from a proxy requiring authentication and
 correctly uses that proxy for the
 remainder of the session.

 = = = 
The output from testing with wget and setup verbose is here:


After skimming wget and setup sources, my guess is 
it has something to do with "basic" versus NTLM 
authentication. I saw enough to know setup source is 
not nearly as thoroughly commented as wget, and
both are too complicated for me. :D 

Is there any chance of getting similar outputs from
behind your proxy, to look for differences with mine?


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