While my simple test passed, I am now experiencing runtime assertions with Cygwin. These assertions occur on 2.6.1-1 and the alternatively available 2.6.0-1:

assertion "(s - envblock) <= tl" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-2.6.1/cygwin-2.6.1-1.i686/src/newlib-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/environ.cc", line 1242, function: char** build_env(const char* const*, WCHAR*&, int&, bool, HANDLE) /c/data/workspaces/remote/plugins/shared/scripts/plugin.sh: line 64: 8448 Aborted (core dumped) /usr/local/lib/codespunk/scra.exp --p "$p" "bin/$plugin.jar" "$user@$host:$path/other/plugins/$plugin.jar" assertion "(s - envblock) <= tl" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-2.6.1/cygwin-2.6.1-1.i686/src/newlib-cygwin/winsup/cygwin/environ.cc", line 1242, function: char** build_env(const char* const*, WCHAR*&, int&, bool, HANDLE) /c/data/workspaces/remote/plugins/shared/scripts/plugin.sh: line 64: 13920 Aborted (core dumped) /usr/local/lib/codespunk/scrb.exp $h --u "$u" --p "$p" "chmod 660 $path/other/plugins/$plugin.jar"

This bug is SEVERE and I can no longer perform any builds with these assertions. The Cygwin installer does not appear to provide a working version for me to roll back to.

Please advise. I cannot get any work done with in this state.

Matt D.

On 1/13/2017 3:00 PM, Matt D. wrote:
I updated yesterday to the latest Cygwin x86 release which included an
updated Bash 4.4.5(1). This release changes the default behavior of the
built-in 'declare' command which is causing scripts which relied on this
functionality to break.

The following test will illustrate the change:
declare -A list
declare -p | grep list=

On Bash 4.4.5(1) the output is:
declare -A list=([a]="1" [b]="2" [c]="3" )

Previously the result was:
declare -A list='([a]="1" [b]="2" [c]="3" )'

I can confirm that this has always been the expected output when running
this command on Cygwin and Linux. I run CentOS which does not track the
latest Bash release and I don't know the procedure to check whether this
is an upstream regression or not.

I have rolled back to Bash 4.3.48-8 which has restored the previous

Please advise.

Matt D.

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