FWIW, since doing the updates late last month, many programs are seg faulting 
for me, including XWin, wget, curl, ssh, procps, top, gawk...

mintty, bash, vi, cd, and ls still work, so all is not lost, but I'm certainly 
not able to use cygwin as much as before,
and recovery is more difficult because of previously reported proxy issues with 
procps and top worked after reverting to old versions for "required" packages,
but I haven't been able to get wget to work, and apt-cyg is dead without gawk 
or wget. :(

This is 64 bit on Windos 7 "professional."

Below is excerpt from the end of a strace of wget http://www.yahoo.com/

Is "windows error 2" easy to fix? :)

   21  258792 [main] wget 8408 fhandler_base::fstat_helper: 0 = fstat 
(\??\E:\cygwin64-2\dev, 0x1802E5A20) st_size=0, st_mode=040755, 
st_ino=32687320224st_atim=55FF8ED0.0 st_ctim=56003CF2.0 st_mtim=5600
3CF2.0 st_birthtim=56003CF0.1E65FB80
   22  258814 [main] wget 8408 stat_worker: 0 = 
   29  258843 [main] wget 8408 fstat64: 0 = fstat(3, 0xFFFFC920)
   26  258869 [main] wget 8408 getrusage: 0 = getrusage(0, 0xFFFFC9F0)
   17  258886 [main] wget 8408 getpid: 8408 = getpid()
   16  258902 [main] wget 8408 read: read(3, 0xFFFFC970, 32) blocking
--- Process 8408 loaded C:\Windows\System32\cryptbase.dll at 000007fefcfe0000
 9169  268071 [main] wget 8408 read: 32 = read(3, 0xFFFFC970, 32)
 1572  269643 [main] wget 8408 read: read(3, 0xFFFFC970, 32) blocking
   86  269729 [main] wget 8408 read: 32 = read(3, 0xFFFFC970, 32)
   55  269784 [main] wget 8408 read: read(3, 0xFFFFC960, 8) blocking
   73  269857 [main] wget 8408 read: 8 = read(3, 0xFFFFC960, 8)
   63  269920 [main] wget 8408 getpid: 8408 = getpid()
--- Process 8408, exception c0000005 at 00000003e8448020
  809  270729 [main] wget 8408 exception::handle: In cygwin_except_handler 
exception 0xC0000005 at 0x3E8448020 sp 0xFFFFCB68
   22  270751 [main] wget 8408 exception::handle: In cygwin_except_handler 
signal 11 at 0x3E8448020
   20  270771 [main] wget 8408 _cygtls::inside_kernel: pc 0x3E8448020, h 
0x3E8420000, inside_kernel 0
   21  270792 [main] wget 8408 normalize_posix_path: src /dev/kmsg
   16  270808 [main] wget 8408 normalize_posix_path: /dev/kmsg = 
normalize_posix_path (/dev/kmsg)
   16  270824 [main] wget 8408 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: 
conv_to_win32_path (/dev/kmsg)
   16  270840 [main] wget 8408 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path 
/dev/kmsg, dst \Device\MailSlot\cygwin\dev\kmsg, flags 0x2, rc 0
   28  270868 [main] wget 8408 build_fh_pc: fh 0x1803171E0, dev 0001000B
   25  270893 [main] wget 8408 seterrno_from_nt_status: 
 status 0xC0000034 -> windows error 2
   20  270913 [main] wget 8408 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 2 == 
errno 2
   17  270930 [main] wget 8408 sig_send: sendsig 0x98, pid 8408, signal 11, 
its_me 1
   19  270949 [main] wget 8408 sig_send: wakeup 0x258
   19  270968 [main] wget 8408 sig_send: Waiting for pack.wakeup 0x258
   19  270987 [sig] wget 8408 sigpacket::process: signal 11 processing
   24  271011 [sig] wget 8408 sigpacket::process: signal 11, signal handler 
   16  271027 [sig] wget 8408 sigpacket::setup_handler: controlled interrupt. 
stackptr 0xFFFFE458, stack 0xFFFFE458, stackptr[-1] 0xFFFFE458
   19  271046 [sig] wget 8408 proc_subproc: args: 5, 1
   15  271061 [sig] wget 8408 proc_subproc: clear waiting threads
   14  271075 [sig] wget 8408 proc_subproc: finished clearing
   14  271089 [sig] wget 8408 proc_subproc: returning 1
   14  271103 [sig] wget 8408 _cygtls::interrupt_setup: armed signal_arrived 
0x15C, signal 11
   16  271119 [sig] wget 8408 sigpacket::setup_handler: signal 11 delivered
   15  271134 [sig] wget 8408 sigpacket::process: returning 1
   14  271148 [sig] wget 8408 wait_sig: signalling pack.wakeup 0x258
   18  271166 [main] wget 8408 set_process_mask_delta: oldmask 0, newmask 0, 
deltamask 0
   27  271193 [main] wget 8408 signal_exit: exiting due to signal 11
 1953  273146 [main] wget 8408 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping 
stack trace to wget.exe.stackdump
155873  429019 [main] wget 8408 signal_exit: about to call do_exit (8B)
   74  429093 [main] wget 8408 do_exit: do_exit (139), exit_state 2
   37  429130 [main] wget 8408 void: 0x0 = signal (20, 0x1)
   32  429162 [main] wget 8408 void: 0x0 = signal (1, 0x1)
   27  429189 [main] wget 8408 void: 0x0 = signal (2, 0x1)
   51  429240 [main] wget 8408 void: 0x0 = signal (3, 0x1)
   34  429274 [main] wget 8408 fhandler_base::close_with_arch: line 1120:  
/dev/pty0<0x180316090> usecount + -1 = 2
   31  429305 [main] wget 8408 fhandler_base::close_with_arch: not closing 
   54  429359 [main] wget 8408 fhandler_base::close: closing '' handle 0x278

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