On 18/02/2017 21:59, Eliot Moss wrote:
Dear friends -- I get the message above when I start cygwin emacs-X11
32-bit while running Cygwin-X.  First of all, should I care?  And if


This message should probably be downgraded from an error.

I should, what can I do about it?  Does this have to do with the
command line parameters when starting the X server, for example?

This message indicates that we wanted to use direct, hardware-accelerated OpenGL ('Windows-DRI'), but that the server didn't allow it.

This could be due to:
- server option -nowgl
- windowing mode doesn't permit wgl (i.e. not -multiwindow)
- display driver does not support WGL (i.e. the default VGA driver)

See also [1] for more details.

[1] https://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using-glx.html

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