On 2017-03-16 14:59, Daniel Santos wrote:
> On 03/15/2017 02:36 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>> Do the local rebase on your build targets as detailed in my question
>> to Achim and his response. Rerun after any system change or build.
> Alright, I think I've got it now, thank you. I'll experiment with it
> first and then I'm guessing that this might eventually belong in
> libtool or some such, although I'm guessing that that wouldn't work
> unless we could have two databases, the system database and a
> temporary build database. I'm not yet sure what the correct solution
> should be.

rebase -OT file - contains list of paths to all built DLLs - uses the 
existing database to relocate your DLLs above existing Cygwin uses.

>>> I would very much like to be able to come up with an automated
>>> process that can be run on a server somewhere under a VM using an
>>> LVM read/write snapshot, so that the environment can be easily reset
>>> to a pristine state (i.e., freshly installed Windows & Cygwin) with
>>> minimal I/O. If I can solve this problem and the "broken pipe" issue
>>> then we might be getting close!
>> Have you checked the Cygwin BLODA list, uninstalled everything you can,
>> disabled all services you're not using, and stopped packages from
>> putting "accelerators" in the systray?
> Thank you for the BLODA list. There are currently no programs listed
> in the uninstall.

You may not be installing much with Windows Setup but may want to ensure 
you uninstall any stuff like Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Oracle Java, 
MS Silverlight, games, other "conveniences", "freebies", utilities, etc. 
pushed on you. You may be able to uninstall MS SQL Server, its CLR, SSDT
but don't know impact. You have to keep MS.NET, PowerShell if installed 
as they may be used by MS processes.

>> There are some good web pages
>> on disabling services useless to you but not MS ;^> I did this before
>> and after W10 upgrades and life is quieter and more productive. YMMV
> The first thing I've done when installing Windows in the past is to
> have the network cable unplugged and disable every service that I
> think I don't need because experience has taught me not to trust
> Windows. Occasionally, I've had to re-enable services that it turned
> out I did need. Are there any pretty list of "stupid windows
> services" out there that you recommend? Also, I'm not doing any
> windows/lanman networking, so I disable computer browser and the
> like.

and linked github forks I found informative and useful - key to customize 
as YMMV.

> I'm also building the current cygwin1.dll from git as I've seen a few
> messages about bugs being fixed that could be related.

You can download Cygwin snapshots: dll only, dbg, pkg, src, directly from 
https://cygwin.com/snapshots for x86{_64,} - instructions given on page.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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