
Today, I noticed a strange behaviour of tcsh regarding rmstar.
32 bit version of tcsh 6.20.00 stops until interrupted by ^C
when executing 'rm *', if 'rmstar' is set.

This can be reproduced by following steps.

--- form here ---
set rmstar
unalias rm
mkdir testdir
cd testdir
rm *
--- to here ---

I looked into this problem, and found the culprit is that a variable
is defined as inappropriate type. That is, the type of auto variable
'c', defined in function getYN() in sh.func.c, should not be int,
but char.

I cannot reproduce this with 64 bit version, but the issue should
potentially exists in it.

It seems that this is the known issue, and is already fixed in HEAD
of github.

I hope this bug will be fixed in the next release.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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