On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 5:05 AM, Jon Turney wrote:

> * In multiwindow mode, remove the X input focus when an X window loses
> Windows focus
>   Addresses: https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2017-04/msg00168.html
> [1] https://lists.x.org/archives/xorg-announce/2017-March/002786.html

I was initially excited about this, because I have been having the
same problem.  However, the fix isn't working so well for me.

* If I'm in an X Emacs window, then click back in my X term, the focus
is still with the X Emacs window.

* If I go from my X Emacs window to a Windows application then my
Xterm, focus moves to the Xterm.

I'm running Windows 7 with the mouse setting that makes window active
simply by moving the mouse into that window.  Neither by moving the
mouse, nor clicking in my Xterm, does that window become active.  I
have to switch to a Windows app along the way.

- Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreis...@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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